Now that we know where each Lion’s den is, let’s examine how the Voltron Force pilots get to the dens from the Castle’s control room. In “The Missing Key,” when Keith first operates Black Lion, it breaks out from within the statue, destroying it, and in subsequent episodes, Black Lion simply rests atop the tower, in plain sight. It is later shown to be “on top of the lion monument.” Initially it is hidden inside the lion statue on the tower. It seems unlikely that the statue existed before the Lion landed.īlack Lion crashes somewhere off-screen, but near the Castle. Coran says that “the Yellow Lion lies hidden out on the sands of the desert.” The den is shown as being inside a gigantic stone sculpture of a lion. Yellow Lion crashes in the desert - presumably the area on the other side of the canyon. Maybe we’ll consider how the artificial dais came to be in a future article. It seems unlikely that Green Lion originally landed inside the tree.īlue Lion crashes in the lake that surrounds the Castle, and Coran describes the Lion’s resting place as “somewhere at the bottom of the lake.” In “Magnetic Attraction,” the lake water has boiled away, and Blue Lion is seen to rest on an artificial dais. Green Lion crashes in the forest, and Coran describes the den as being “hidden deep in the forest.” The den is shown as being inside the stump of a giant, fallen tree. It’s not known whether the land bridge was natural or constructed sometime after Red Lion landed. Coran describes Red Lion’s den as being “beneath the fiery lava of the volcano.” In “A Ghost and Four Keys,” when Lance first operates Red Lion, it exits a cave to one side of the lava pool, and it runs along what looks like a land bridge with lava on either side. Red Lion crashes in the lava pool in the canyon behind the Castle.

It turns out that each Lion’s den would be established at or near its crash site. Beyond the circle of trees behind the Castle is a deep canyon, beyond which is a desert, and a pool of lava can be seen in part of the canyon.Īll five Lions land near the Castle. A bridge that starts at the Castle’s main entrance connects the island to the surrounding land. Dense trees encircle the lake, and the Castle faces a much larger forest on the surrounding land. In the same episode, overhead views reveal that the Castle on a small island at the center of a lake. In “Escape to Another Planet,” Coran mentions that, when Haggar first broke Voltron “into five separate units” that “came falling down as mechanical Lions, each one a fighting machine.” Coran then states that “each Lion buried itself in a different part of our planet as it landed.” Accompanying Coran’s tale are visuals of where each Lion lands. Now it’s time to see how, in Voltron: Defender of the Universe, the Voltron Force travels from the control room of the Castle of Lions to the Lions’ dens on Arus. This site already examined, in Voltron: Legendary Defender, how the Paladins of Voltron travel from the bridge of the Castle of Lions to the Lion hangars.